World Cup, Nove Mesto 2025-03-09 13:50 (CET)
Men 4x7.5 km Relay
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World Cup, Nove Mesto 2025-03-09 13:50 (CET)
Men 4x7.5 km Relay
2007-12-12 16:09 |
Which biathlonist is the most popular?
Do you know who is the most popular biathlonist? With the help of our website we can determine this. In the rank you can see the name of the sportsman and number of unique visits to his profile on our website in the last season. First place is held by Magdalena NEUNER, the youngest triple-World Champion in biathlon ever.
Can you please update this popularity chart as the placings have all changed round. Darya Domracheva is currently first! Neuner third! Thankyou! Go Ukraine!!!
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